Tuesday, August 14, 2007

As many of you know Kaitlin was invited by Jon & Kathy (Michele's Dad & Mom) to accompany them on a once in a lifetime trip to Africa!!! They planned on leaving June 3rd and would return three weeks later after a safari in Tanzania and stay at an incredible resort in Zanzibar.

As many of you may not know we had changed churches this last year because Kaitlin was not not making any connections with friends at church and not really being challenged to grow spiritually. So we left that church in search of a church that could be a home for all of us. The Lord lead us to Waterbrook Fellowship after 4 months of tireless searching. All of you who have looked for a good church you know how trying it can be being the 1st time visitor for the 7th Sunday in a row, trying to find children's facilities and parking is no fun when you are new every week at a new church. BUT we found a wonderful church that really demonstrates the love of Christ to new people and each other! We have been there 8 months now and Kaitlin is flourishing!!!

This photo is of all her Pastor, Youth Leaders, friends from youth group and our neighbor who came over to the house the day before she was to leave so they could pray with her. They made bracelets that everyone wore to remember Kaitlin and pray for her safety, enjoyment and incredible adventure while she was away for the next three weeks! God is good and His body is beautiful!!!


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