Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Our very dear friends Lester & Deanna Jennings paid us a visit in June while Kaitlin was in Africa. It was not only great to see them and spend 4 relaxing days fellowshipping and eating our way through Dallas with them, but it helped preoccupy us from missing Kaitlin.

Lester and Deanna rode 1494 miles on a Harley to see us. They traveled through the desert, and the plains of West Texas to see us. If we had ever wondered whether Lester & Deanna loved us they squelched all our insecurities by coming to see us!

It didn't take very long for Isabelle to warm up to Lester!!! Once she did she nearly ran him ragged!

Isabelle was so impressed with Lester that she kept calling him Pastor Ed. (Our Pastor from C.O.D. who came out to visit two months earlier.) To which we all roared with laughter. She must have recognized the similarity they have in their love of Christ and passion for discipleship because besides the bandanna, beard, tatoos, and Harley that is all they really have in common!!!

Izzy couldn't help but stack all the chairs up and proceed to lead church complete with music and sermon in the family room. You can't ask Lester & Deanna what Izzy preached because both of them were crying with laughter at Izzy's mannerisms. ( I thought I was the one in seminary)

Thank you soooo much Lester & Deanna for blessing us with a wonderful visit!!! We enjoyed the love laughter and prayers. Izzy loved the Bike!


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